


サイズ・頁数 四六判・128頁
ISBNコード 978-4-8163-6031-2
価格(税込) 1,100円
発行日 2016.04.18




■なにもしたくない の章

1 なにもしたくない/I don't want to do anything.

2 安定志向/Stability is my life goal.

3 かったるいわぁ~/I'm feeling sluggish.

4 天気とかカンケーないし外出ないし/No one asks me out...

5 あつくるし…/It's sweltering...

6 ねるのもめんどくせぇ/I'm too tired to sleep.

7 頭ショートしそう/My brain is going soft.

8 ねむ…/Sleepy...

9 どうでもよござんす/Whatever your heart desires.

10 もう帰ってもいい?/Can I go now?

11 ふとんが重くて起きれない/My blanket is too heavy to lift.

12 大人になりたくない…/I don't want to grow up.

13 酔っちゃった/I'm... drunk.

14 それなりに/I'm doing my best...

15 ですよねー/Isn't it?

16 ふとんはともだち/My blanket is my BFF.

17 たまにはね/Once in a while...

18 えらいえらい/Yeah, you're great.

19 ひたすら寝たい/I want to binge sleep.

20 まぁいいけど/If you say so...

21 がんばらない派/I don't work hard.

22 だけど気になる/I still care.

■明日から本気出す… の章

23 明日から本気出す/I'll be productive starting tomorrow... not today.

24 お先真っ暗/I'm doomed.

25 だれか助けてくれないかなぁ/I wish someone would help me...

26 甘やかされて生きていきたい…/I want to be pampered througout my life.

27 地に足つかない…/I can't keep my feet on the ground...

28 目ぐらい開けられるわ/I can open my eyes if I try.

29 こそばいこそばい/Stop! That tickles!

30 明日は明日の風が吹く/Tomorrow is another day.

31 肉食に見えて実は…/I'm not as aggressive as I look.

32 未来が見えない/I see no future.

33 いい夢見ろよ/Sweet dreams!

34 ちゅーぶらりん/I'm stuck in limbo.

35 こしが…/My back...

36 なんくるないさ~/Don't worry. Be happy.

37 夜食たべてねました/I ate right before I went to bed.

38 自分に勝てない/I always sabotage myself.

39 こっそり生きていきたい/I want to live in hiding.

40 人生ニガい…/Life is bitter.

41 謙虚がいちばん/Modesty is key.

42 きゅーけーしよ/I'm going to take a break.

43 ぬるま湯サイコー/I'm happy being complacent.

44 かたすぎじゃね?/Aren't you too hard headed?

■えーやだーいきたくなーい の章

45 えーやだーいきたくなーい/Nope, I'm not going.

46 帰りたい/I want to go home.

47 ムリ、ムリ/No can do.

48 ぬけない…/I can't break free...

49 聞こえない聞こえない/I can't hear you.

50 何が何だか…/I have no clue...

51 スッパリあきらめよう…/I'll get over it...

52 のりわるっ/Awkward...

53 はなしてー/Let me go...

54 んも~…/Ugh!

55 こころここにあらず/Spaced out

56 しょっぺぇ/It's too salty!

57 油断大敵/Don't be too sure of yourself.

58 どーせ脇役…/I'm always the sidekick.

59 その手にはのらん/You can't trick me.

60 そんなにひまじゃないんですけど/I don't have time for that.

61 ねればなおる/I'll be ok after I sleep.

62 つまずきすぎ/I'm always stumbling.

63 すっきりしない/I can't shrug off this feeling.

64 気ぃ遣ってー/Be more careful with me.

65 なんで? え、なんで?/What? Why?

66 ほらー/See?

■自由になりたい の章

67 自由になりたい/I want to be free.

68 ほっといてください/Leave me alone.

69 やめてください/Stop it. Put me down.

70 順位とかど?でもいい/I couldn't care less about winning.

71 見んなよ/What are you looking at?

72 あ、どうぞおかまいなく/Oh, never mind about me.

73 息苦しい…/I can't breathe in here...

74 ゆらさないで~/Don't disturb me.

75 あ、そういうの間に合ってますんで/I'm not interested.

76 ホント ムリだから/Seriously, I just can't.

77 おとうふメンタル/My mental state resembles tofu.

78 色気より食い気だね/Eating is my greatest desire.

79 目をそらしたい/I don't want to think about it.

80 とるなよー/It's mine!

81 30分では届きません/It won't be delivered in 30 minutes.

82 圧力かけないで?/Don't pressure me.

83 ムリはしない 期待もしない/I don't work hard and I don't expect much.

84 けちょんけちょん/I'm utterly defeated.

85 かかわりたくないんだってば/I want nothing to do with it.

86 あーマジかんべん/Oh, give me a break.

■価値って誰が決めるの? の章

87 価値って誰が決めるの?/Who decides what's good?

88 爆発したい/I'm about to blow up.

89 ばあ/Boo!

90 ハイハイめでたいですね/How nice.

91 個性って何?/What does it mean to be unique?

92 オシャレだと思ってんの?/You think that's cool?

93 ヒューヒュー/Ooh la la!

94 よくばり/You greedy.

95 同じ型にハマりたくない…/I don't want to be stereotyped.

96 スカスカー/Airhead

97 あつすぎるのもどうなの/I like it hot, but not this hot.

98 そんなきみが好きとでも?/You thought I'd like you like that?

99 すきだね~/You're pancake crazy.

100 大人の事情ってだいたい子供みたいな理由でしょ?

/"Grown-up business" is usually pretty childish.

101 また写メ→SNS?/Posting selfies on social media again?

102 ないわー/Heck, no.

103 保護者目線/*Looks at you with a motherly gaze*

104 人生はあまくない/Life can be harsh.

105 これでいい?/Are you satised?

106 気になるところ、そこ?/That's what bothers you?